definition of Jordan:

My photo
a confident year 13 student who enjoys taking on challenges and working to his full ability, enjoys to jerk (a new style of dance), eating and going out with my mates. And much much more...

Monday 16 May 2011


Here we have my groups final magazine cover along with the first draft to show the improvements we made after we showed some people the first draft of our magazine cover, to remind you the magazine cover at the top is the first draft and the cover at the bottom is the final improved magazine cover, some major improvement we made were the image size and the designing and positioning of the masthead. We changed the whole design of the masthead which made looking and reading the word `HORRORSCOPE' sound and look horrific, it also ties in with the horror genre. with the articles we changed the colour of them to fit in well with the whole design, we also included an image of a scene from the movie alongside with the title of our film to make the cover seem more realistic.

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