definition of Jordan:

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a confident year 13 student who enjoys taking on challenges and working to his full ability, enjoys to jerk (a new style of dance), eating and going out with my mates. And much much more...

Sunday 5 December 2010

Locations part 1

when looking at horror films, in terms of location three have come to my mind that i have noticed:
  • parks
  • churches
  • victorian style houses
  • open fields
  • industrial areas
horror films such as the omen use the church as a predominant location as it relates back to both the title of the film and the storyline, it also refers to the horror conventions which provide certain scenes within the omen a scary atmosphere.
when considering locations me and my group want to use, we have made a list of local places around our area. some of which link to the horror conventions. for example a park near our school, and an old church on a local high street.

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