definition of Jordan:

My photo
a confident year 13 student who enjoys taking on challenges and working to his full ability, enjoys to jerk (a new style of dance), eating and going out with my mates. And much much more...

Tuesday 15 February 2011


I wanted the poster to evoke feelings of betrayal, sadness and confusion, i wanted to show the son and father to be standing facing each other to create some sense of conflict, although i waned to introduce some of the other characters in the poster i felt that the poster would seem less horrific and scary, I’ve noticed as the years went on horror film posters tend to have less imagery and focus more on the background and design on the text.  Some of the imagery me and my group are looking to use will be off the son and the father looking directly at each other to show the viewers that there is some sort of tension between these characters. we want to make the poster seem worn out and torn up as if it had been destroyed and forgotten, this is to create some sort of link to the story line; the son and father trying to forget the past and move on.

For our poster

The colour scheme for our film poster will be red and white with red being the conventional colour, we didn’t want to make our poster seem too conventional so we decided to add white to show the contrast between god and evil, you could say that the red in the poster could signify danger and evil whiles the white shows hope and freedom. In terms of the sort of shot we are going to use for our photographs, we wanted to use mid shots and close up shots we also wanted to play around with the use of a two shot and over the shoulder shot. We don’t want to give away the plot of the film in the poster so we are looking to just have the audience seeing the poster with just two characters on it leaving them wanting to know more.

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